Thursday, August 11, 2011

Funny Facebook Status

There is only 1 man in the whole world that will always stand by a girl's side no matter what life throws her way! That man is her daddy!
Status says what's on ur mind ---but every body just copy & paste from others...........
If u marry one girl, she wil fight with u.

But if u marry two girls, they will fight for u. !!

Think different :) :)
I have a head and also a tail. But i don't have body. What am I?
 I don't get it. Refresh my mind. Why would you even bother to bring her along. Everyone looks at me for a reaction. All I do is smile. & laugh a little inside.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Funny Facebook Status

Hates the moment in an argument when you realize your wrong
I heard some people have this terrible disease called "normal" It sounds terrible, so I'm glad I've never had it
A survey was done recently on why men like blow jobs 6% like the feeling, 12% like the thrill and 82% just like the silence!

80 yr old finds his wife doing a handstand,naked against a wall.Shocked,he asks 'what are you doing?'she says ''I know u cant get it up,maybe u can drop it in!"